Sunday, 20 June 2010

DDMM ( My Record )

GUI Design (Pixel and Vector Logo)

1. Do my Vector logos look like a family icon?

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Disagree
D. Strongly Disagree

In this question, 2 peoples chose A, 10 peoples chose B,2 peoples chose C and 1 people chose A.
From this result, we can see a lot of peoples agree that these 3 icons show in a group known as family icon, however still need to stronger it.

A=Dai Lou, William
B=Alex, Ashley, Eve, Rafael, Lawrence, Jamie, CC, Kang, CK, Wei
C=Kevyn, Huey
D= Chong

2. Do my Pixel logos look like a family icon?

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Disagree
D. Strongly Disagree

8 peoples chose A, 6 peoples chose B, nobody chose C and 1 people chose D.
It shows that the result close to A and B, it means mostly reach the target.

A= Dai Lou, William, Eve, Rafael, Lawrence, CC, CK, Wei
B= Alex, Ashley, Kevyn, Chong, Jamie, Kang
D= Huey

3. This icon represents?

A. House
B. Swimming Pool
C. Home
D. Ice Cream Shop

5 peoples chose A, nobody chose B, 1 people chose C and 9 peoples chose D
This result show tricky. It is because 5 peoples chose house and 9 peoples chose Ice cream shop.
Maybe the message doesn’t strong enough, however people will misunderstand.

A= Dai Lou, William, Alex, Kang, CK
C= Lawrence
D= Chong, Ashley, Eve, Rafael, Jamie, CC, Wei, Kevyn, Huey

4. This icon represents?

A. Ice cream Shop
B. Shit
C. Radio
D. Machine

3 peoples chose A, 1 people chose B, 10 peoples chose C and 1 people chose D.
The result shows that this icon have stronger message. However still need to improve more.

A= Rafael, Jamie, CC
B= Lawrence
C= Chong, Ashley, Eve, Kevyn, Huey, Dai Lou, William, Alex, Kang, CK
D= Wei

5. This icon represents?

A. Letter
B. Email
C. Badminton
D. Ice Cream

8 peoples chose A, 5 peoples chose B, nobody chose C and 2 peoples chose D.
Target Audience is confusing about this icon whether it is letter or email.
However still got peoples will think that it looks like ice cream.

A= Dai Lou, Alex, Ashley, William, Eve, Rafael, Kang, CK
B= Lawrence, Chong, Kevyn, Huey, Wei
D= Jamie, CC

6. Do these three icons look too simple?

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Disagree
D. Strongly Disagree

1 people chose A,3 peoples chose B,9 peoples chose C and 2 peoples chose D
Most of the peoples chose Disagree,it shows some of the peoples like simple but some didn’t.

A= William
B= Chong, Ashley, Alex
C= Jamie, CC, Lawrence, Eve, Huey, Dai Lou, Kang, CK, Wei
D= Rafael, Kevyn

7. The combination color of these icons looks weird.

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Disagree
D. Strongly Disagree

Nobody chose A,1 people chose B,8 peoples chose C and 6 peoples chose D.
Most of the peoples chose C and D. It doesn’t look weird but only the color of music icon.

B= William
C= Eve, Dai Lou, Rafael, CC, Kang, CK
D= Kevyn, Chong, Ashley, Alex, Jamie, Lawrence, Huey, Wei

8. Do you like Pixel icon or Vector icon?

A. Pixel
B. Vector
C. All
D. None

5 peoples chose A,8 peoples chose B,1 people chose C and 1 people chose D
Most of the people like Vector icon

A=Jamie, Rafael, CC, Eve, William
B= Ashley, Alex, Dai Lou, Chong, Lawrence, Kang, CK , Wei
C= Kevyn
D= Huey

9. How to make all these logos improve?(Anything)

(MM)Dai Lou=the chocolate chips change to colorful chips
(MM)Win Chong=Gradient
(TOA guard)William=Pixel music and Vector home (color weird)
(DG)Eve=Change yellow become rainbow color; too chocolate will look like shit
(DG)Rafael=no comment
(DMM)Kevyn=more simple
(GDI)Jamie=Pixel music (color problem), Vector message (weird), Vector music (dull)
(GDI)CC=Not bad
(IL)Kang=It look good and harmony
(DMM)Ck=Illustrate it more straight forward
(Student)Huey=the logo can be more simple?
(MM)Wei=Pixel color

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